Architectural Draftsman

  • As an Architectural Draftsman, you will be responsible for transforming architectural concepts and sketches into detailed technical drawings using computer-aided design (CAD) software, ensuring precision and adherence to relevant codes and standards.
  • Transforming architectural concepts and sketches into precise technical drawings using CAD software, ensuring accuracy and compliance with codes and standards will be a key responsibility.
  • The Architectural Draftsman will be responsible for reviewing project specifications, building codes, and regulations to ensure that all drawings comply with legal and safety requirements.


  • Strong knowledge of building codes, regulations, and construction standards to ensure compliance and accuracy in all architectural drawings.
  • Meticulous attention to detail and precision in drafting, emphasizing the creation of clear and legible drawings for effective communication.
  • Comprehensive understanding of building codes, regulations, and construction standards to guarantee accuracy and compliance in architectural drafts.
  • Capable of interpreting architectural concepts and translating them into accurate technical drawings for comprehensive construction documentation.
Post date: 17 April 2024
Publisher: Bayt
Post date: 17 April 2024
Publisher: Bayt